Hi friends!
I’m thrilled to report that my fuck around and find out freelance era is officially over and I will once again be sending this newsletter weekly, yay!
October/November were huge months in the annals of unhingement and I think it was probs for the best that I, famously a Jewess with many takes and feelings, was too hindered by the Slack demon to chronicle it all. Now it’s December (!?) which means it’s time to start closing up shop on this sassy little bitch of a year and we can circle back never.
I avoided the Thanksgiving of multiple nations this year and took a lovely little trip to Toronto last week where I enjoyed more than three consecutive days off from work for the first time since the end of April. In good news, I think I have finally learned to say no and will do better in 2024!
There’s nothing quite like Canada at the end of November to remind me why I live in a city where Erewhon is considered a major cultural institution (sunlight and delusion). Shoutout to the Los Angeles sky on Wednesday for putting on an hour-long double rainbow show that I have already permanently filed under “hope” and “magic” in all remaining braincells.
That big rainbow energy was so very needed. This year has brought enough twists and turns to last a lifetime, and yet, it seems our uncertain world is somehow becoming worse?
I think it was around day two of ingesting a news cycle dominated by people being traded like poker chips when the new vibe really set in for me. I am always team throw your phone in the river and watch it float on by, but my scrolling thumbs had other ideas. As the old adage goes, opinions are like assholes (we all have one) but viewing every asshole’s opinion on the relative value of human life was not something I was mentally prepared for.
After reading too many instagram comments, I achieved unprecedented heights of disbelief at the state of affairs and the conversation happening around it all, and managed to surpass unhingement — the base level of collective madness we have all been participating in for years — to become fully deranged.
Being unhinged connotes that there is still something solid left to hinge upon. Derangement, while a close cousin of unhingement, relies on nothing but its own ferocious energy as it carves its janky path to the peak of crazy.
The Dawn of Derangement™️ marks a new epoch in the Age of Unhingement™️ and there are levels to the madness, a progression that I feel I must try to chart as a good citizen of the internet.
Please note that the above is very much a work in progress as this version leans towards my own current unhingement/derangement bias. For any collective madness framework to properly address our current age it must at minimum also include climate change, the AI-pocalypse, economic chaos, and why everyone is getting veneers.
You also may be wondering, how can a life coaching business, certainly a personal endeavor, be assigned as the peak of collective madness? Well, when only the most unhinged people we all know are trying to make a career of guiding others, we need to take a look at what’s going on collectively. Are we all acting crazy enough to create at least a perceived demand for their services? I think you know the answer to that.
I’d also like to add that you don’t need to both read and write the comments to level up to derangement. No actual engagement is necessary, just the willingness to ingest petty arguments about semantics and an endless stream of extreme takes when lives are quite literally on the line.
It’s that extremity that deranges me most. We are teetering on multiple brinks and it’s going to take all of us working together to… not plummet. Every day I feel like I’m standing further and further away from so many people I know, trying to hold on to some fragile dream of coexistence, a better future that takes everyone into account. If we can’t find some common ground in our collective humanity, well, I fear we shan’t be making it on several fronts.
As for WW III, that’s a placeholder. Can’t confirm nor deny its presence, but will continue to track what comes next and revise accordingly. This mad little world is only getting madder but in my heart I am still standing under the magnificence of that double rainbow, wearing my dulululemons, wishing, hoping, and praying for world peace, always.
Hope you all have a beautiful weekend as free from mass derangement as you want it to be. You have my full support to stay out of the comments, unless you want to leave me a nice one, that I will graciously accept. Until next time!
Less Lessons More Blessin’s™️
From one delulu under the rainbow to another: love ya work x
Hey, if we run out of delusions, then we really go mad